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 1 Kemilainen A. Nationalism. Problems Concerning the Word, the Concept and Classification. Jyvaskila, 1964. P. 49.

 2 Hyslop B. F. French Nationalism in 1789 According to the General Cachiers. New York, 1934. P. 22.

 3 Kamenka E. (ed) Nationalism: The Nature and Evolution of an Idea. New York, 1976. P.8.

 4 Сміт Е. Національна ідентичність. Київ, 1994. С. 80; Smith A. National Identity. London, 1991. P. 72.

 5 Smith A. Theories of Nationalism. New York; Evanston; San Francisko; London, 1971. P.165.

 6 Nationalism. A Report by a Study Group of Members of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. London; New York; Toronto, 1939. P. 6.

 7 Kohn H. The Idea of Nationalism. Study of its Origins and Background. New York, 1946. P. 18.

 8 Ibid. P. 16

 9 Ibid. P. 6.

 10 Kedourie E. Nationalism. London. 1960. P. 1.

 11 Gellner E. Nations and Nationalism, Oxford, 1983. P. 1.

 12 Ibid.

 13 Snyder L. Encyclopedia of Nationalism. New York, 1990. P. 370. /252/

 14 Smith E. National Identity. P. 73.

 15 Шпорлюк Г. Комунізм і націоналізм. Карл Маркс проти Фрідріха Ліста. Київ, 1998. С. 303—304.

 16 Snyder L. Encyclopedia of Nationalism. P. 371.

 17 Shafer B. Faces of Nationalism. New Realities and Old Myths. New York, 1972. P. 17—20.

 18 Ibid. P. 20.

 19 Snyder L. Encyclopedia of Nationalism. P. 365.

 20 Snyder L. Varietes of Nationalism. A Comparative Study. Hisdale, Illinois, 1976. P. 42—43.

 21 Connor W. Ethnonationalism. The Quest for Understanding. Princeton, New-Jersey, 1994. P. 196.

 22 Gellner E. Nations and Nationalism. P. 138.

 23 Kedourie E. Op. cit. P. 72.

 24 Докладніше про це див.: G. de Puymegé Chauvin, le soldat-labourer: contribution a l’étude des nationalismes. Paris, 1993.

 25 Smith A. National Identity. P. 91.

Nairn T. The Break-Up of Britain: Crisis and Neo-Nationalism. London, 1977. P. 333. .

 27 Gellner E. Nations and Nationalism. P. 129

 28 Shafer B. Op. cit. P. 315 — 316.

 29 Шнирельман В. А. Националистический миф: основные характеристики (на примере этногенетических версий славянских народов) // Славяноведение (отдельный оттиск). 1996. №6. С. 11—12.

 30 Див.: Шпорлюк Р. Цит. праця. С. 146.

 31 Smith A. Theories of Nationalism. P. 21.

 32 Gellner E. Nations and Nationalism. P. 124.

 33 Johnson H. Economic Nationalism in New States // Smith A. and Hutchinson J. (eds.) Nationalism. P. 239.

 34 Ibid. P. 240.

 35 Smith A. and Hutchinson J. Introduction // Nationalism. P. 3.

 36 Hobsbawm E. Nations and Nationalism since 1780. Programme, Myth, Reality (2nd ed.) Cambridge; New York; Melbourne. 1995. P. 41.

 37 O’Leary B. On the Nature of Nationalism. An Appraisal of Ernest Gellner’s writings on Nationalism // The Social Philosophy of Ernest Gellner. Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities. Vol. 48. Amsterdam; Atlanta, GA, 1996. P. 77—78.

 38 Шпорлюк Р. Цит. праця. С. 45.

 39 Smith A. Nationalism in the Twentieth Century. Oxford, 1979. P. 116 — 117, 126.

 40 Gellner E. Nations and Nationalism. P. 7.

 41 Ibid. P. 5.

 42 Ibid. P. 21.

 43 Ibid. P. 30.

 44 Ibid. P. 5.

 45 Ibid. P. 31—32.

 46 Ibid. P. 28.

 47 Ibid. P. 57. /253/

 48 Ibid. P. 140.

 49 O’Leary B. Op. cit. P. 81.

 50 Gellner E. Thought and Change. Chicago; London, 1964; Smith A. Theories of Nationalism. P. 112 — 113, 118.

 51 Gellner E. Nations and Nationalism. P. 2, 6, 7, 40, 46.

 52 Див., наприклад: Hall A. J., Jarvie J. (eds.). The Social Philosophy of Ernest Gellner. Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities. Vol. 48. Amsterdam; Atlanta, GA, 1996; John A. Hall (ed.) The State of Nation. Ernest Gellner and the Theory of Nationalism Cambridge 1998.

 53 O’Leary В. Op. cit. P. 85.

 54 Stargardt N. Gellner’s Nationalism: the Spirit of Modernisation?// The Social Philosophy of Ernest Gellner. P. 175.

 55 O’Leary В. Op. cit. P. 86.

 56 Ibid.

 57 Докладніше про це див.: Шпорлюк P. Комунізм і націоналізм.

 58 Minogue К. Ernest Gellner and the Dangers of Theorising Nationalism // The Social Philosophy of Ernest Gellner. P. 120, footnote 2.

 59 Цит. за: Smith A. Theories of Nationalism. P. 9.

 60 Kedourie E. Op. cit. P. 140.

 61 Ibid. P. 80.

 62 Ibid. P. 79.

 63 Ibid. P. 78.

 64 Ibid. P. 81.

 65 Smith A. Theories of Nationalism. P. 12.

 66 Ibid. P. 12.

 67 Ibid. P. 12—14, 16.

 68 Shafer B. Op. cit. P. 187.

 69 Forbes H. D. Nationalism, Ethnocentrism and Personality. Social Science and Critical Theory. Chicago; London, 1985. P. 53 — 54.

 70 Kohn H. The Idea of Nationalism. P. 20.

 71 Smith A. Nationalism in the Twentieth Century. P. 56 — 57.

 72 Ibid. P. 78.

 73 Smith A. Theories of Nationalism. P. 261.

 74 Breuilly J. Nationalism and the State. Manchester, 1982. P. 4.

 75 Shafer B. Op. cit. P. 323.

 76 Kedourie E. Op. cit. P. 71.

 77 Kohn H. The Age of Nationalism. New York, 1962. P. 17.

 78 Shafer B. Op. cit. P. 152 — 153.

 79 Ibid. P. 324.

 80 Eriksen T. Ethnicity, Race, Class and Nation // Hutchinson J. and Smith A. (eds.). Ethnicity. P. 29.

 81 Kohn H. The Idea of Nationalism. P. 330.

 82 Ibid.

 83 Smith A. Theories of Nationalism. P. 197.

 84 Ibid. P. 197.

 85 Greenfeld L. Nationalism. Five Roads to Modernity. Cambridge, MA-London, England, 1993. P. 10 — 11. /254/

 86 Ibid. P. 9 — 10.

 87 Ibid. P. 10.

 88 Ibid.

 89 Ibid. P. 11 — 12.

 90 Ibid. P. 6.

 91 Smith A. Theories of Nationalism. P. 194.

 92 Snyder L. Encyclopedia of Nationalism. P. 370.

 93 Ibid. P. 382.

 94 Smith A. Theories of Nationalism. P. 205.

 95 Ibid. P. 206.

 96 Ibid. P. 207.

 97 Ibid. P. 208.

 98 Ibid.

 99 Ibid. P. 153 — 158, 160.

 100 Ibid. P. 159.

 101 Див.: Сміт Е. Цит. праця.

 102 Smith A. National Identity. P. 82.

 103 Ibid. P. 82 — 83; Smith A. Theories of Nationalism. P. 229.

 104 Сміт Е. Цит. праця. С. 90 — 91.

 105 Johnston R.J., Knihgt D., Koftnan E. (eds.) Nationalism, Self-Detemiination and Political Geography. London, 1988. P. 3.

 106 Ibid. P. 4.

 107 Greenfeld L. Op. cit. P. 15 — 17.

 108 Ibid. P. 23 — 24.

 109 Gastony Е. В. The Ordeal of Nationalism in Modern Europe. 1789— 1945. Lewiston (Queenston ) Lampeter, 1992. P. 203.

 110 Ibid. P. 9 — 10.

 111 Carr Е. Н. Nationalism and After. London, 1945. P. 2.

 112 Ibid. P. 6.

 113 Ibid. P. 17 — 18.

 114 Gellner E. Nationalism and the International Order// Encounters with Nationalism. Oxford, England; Cambridge, U.S.A., 1994. P. 25.

 115 Ibid. P. 25 — 26.

 116 Ibid. P. 28.

 117 Ibid. P. 30 — 31.

 118 Hroch M. Social Precondition of National Revival in Europe. A Comparative Analysis of the Social Composition of Patriotic Groups among the Smaller European Nations. Cambridge; London; New York; New Rochelle; Melbourne; Sydney, 1985. P. 8.

 119 Ibid.

 120 Ibid. P. 23 — 24.

 121 Ibid. P. 26.

 122 Alter P. Nationalism (2nd ed.). London, 1994. P. 56 — 57.

 123 Шпорлюк Р. Цит. праця. С. 163.

 124 Smith A. National Identity. P. 96.

 125 Цит. за: Шпорлюк P. Комунізм і націоналізм. С. 167.

 126 Kemilainen. Op. cit. P. 61. /255/

 127 Ibid. P. 72 — 73.

 128 Шпорлюк Р. Цит. праця. С. 170 — 171.

 129 Цит. за: Там само. С. 151.

 130 Цит. за: Shafer В. Op. cit. P. 88 — 89.

 131 Шпорлюк Р. Цит. праця. С. 151.

 132 Там само. С. 153.

 133 Carlton J. Hayes The Historical Evolution of the Modern Nationalism New York, 1948. P. 102 — 107.

 134 Smith A. Theories of Nationalism. P. 17.

 135 Shafer B. Op. cit. P. 92 — 93.

 136 Шпорлюк Р. Цит. праця. С. 149 — 150.

 137 Kohn H. The Age of Nationalism. P. 4 — 5.

 138 Shafer B. Op. cit. P. 128.

 139 Шпорлюк P. Цит. праця. С. 155 — 156, 176.

 140 Calvert P. On Attaining Sovereignty // Smith A D. (ed.) Nationalist Movements. London, 1976. P. 135.

 141 Smith A. National Identity. P. 93.

 142 Alter P. Op. cit. P. 56.

 143 Shafer B. Op. cit. P. 186.

 144 Ibid. P. 189.

 145 Шпорлюк Р. Цит. праця. С. 278.

 146 Там само. С. 42.

 147 Kohn H. The Age of Nationalism. P. 9.

 148 Shafer В. Op. cit. P. 139.

 149 Alter P. Op. cit. P. 54.

 150 Ibid. P. 85.

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